The manifesto is called ‘Dignity in Care’ and sets the standards for how people in care should be treated in Monmouthshire.
The manifesto is a result of the findings of a conference Monmouthshire County Council and Monmouthshire Local Health Board held to tackle dignity in care in March 2009.
People were asked to discuss older people’s and carers’ perceptions of care practices for older people and to contribute to a manifesto that will ensure that the work prioritised is what older people want.
Amanda Peters, Policy & Partnership Manager at Monmouthshire County Council, said:
“Dignity in care is something that we all want for ourselves, our family and friends while in the care of others.
“This manifesto will make a real difference - everyone who contributed to it felt their voice was heard, older people felt valued and carers felt enthused and motivated.
“Older people will be part of a user group involved in monitoring success and holding people to account.”
Dave Powell, Chair of Abergavenny’s Action 50+ group, said:
“I’m really pleased to see this document had been produced as a result of the conversations we had at the conference.
“Our group put a lot of work into responding to the issues raised. We are very glad to see that the manifesto includes an emphasis on training as that is very important in protecting people’s dignity.”
The Dignity in Care Manifesto for Monmouthshire
People receiving care in Monmouthshire must:
- be treated as individuals; a unique person with a history and a future.
- feel and be safe from all forms of abuse or harm.
- be respected and treated by trained staff in the same way as a carer would treat their loved one.
- be properly communicated with; listened to and supported to express their needs and wants.
- be allowed privacy in personal care, be able to have discussions in private and have confidentiality respected.
- be able to complain without fear of retribution; knowing that a complaint will be taken seriously and responded to.
- have support and dignity for their carers ensuring that their needs are also met; helping them to care with dignity.
- be helped and supported to maintain independence, choice and control in all areas of their care.
- not feel lonely and isolated, but valued and part of society.
- be able to have continuity and consistency of well trained care staff.
- receive high standards of care which are regularly reviewed; medically, nutritionally, and in matters of hygiene.
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