Saturday 10 October 2009

Arts Council of Wales welcomes additional funding in difficult times

Arts Council of Wales welcomes the announced made by Alun Ffred Jones, the Heritage Minister yesterday that an extra £2.2 million has been allocated to the Welsh Assembly Government's Heritage budget as part of its drive to protect front-line services and counter the effects of the recession in Wales.

Existing revenue funds are being maintained for 2010/11. A further £285K has been awarded to the Arts Council of Wales to develop creative networks. An additional £200K has been allocated to the Arts Council to create a project which joins forces with colleagues in the Assembly Government's Department of Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills to help disadvantaged young people train through local arts organisations.

Professor Dai Smith, Chair of Arts Council of Wales said: "Arts Council of Wales and all its revenue clients will welcome this commitment to sustain and develop the arts in Wales by the Welsh Assembly Government. I'm really grateful to the Minister for responding so positively to our arguments about the importance of the arts to the economy of Wales which will help lead us out of the current recession."


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