The tool comes in three parts:
- the first section asks easy questions that will help revise the partnership team's database;
- the second section is the self-assessment you can use for your organisation (if you don't already have one in place);
- the third section is an assessment of the partnership - what's working well and what could be better.
Cllr Morfudd Jones, Lead Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, says “We all think about the work we do and have opinions on our work. Sometimes though, we don't get a chance to really reflect on what we are doing well and what needs to be improved. By writing this down, it will help us to see where progress can be made. Organisations never stand still. The children and young people's agenda is always moving forward and we want to ensure that the Children and Young People's Partnership is at the helm.”
If you struggle with self-assessments, or want to challenge your organisation on its child protection or participation policies, contact the Partnership Support Team on 01824 706257 or by email to to find out more. Alternatively visit to download a copy.
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