Monday 12 October 2009

Horse rescue mounted by Port Talbot RNLI volunteers

The Port Talbot inshore RNLI lifeboat was launched at 7.40pm on 7 October 2009 after a passing ship reported a horse swimming in the River Neath. Large volumes of people turned out to search the river banks in a bid to locate it.

Port Talbot’s D class RNLI lifeboat joined coastguard teams from The Mumbles and Port Talbot and two local fire crews in the search.

Mel Cooper, RNLI Lifeboat Press Officer at Port Talbot says:

‘The horse was eventually located under the old Briton Ferry road bridge. The RNLI lifeboat was used to usher the horse to the river bank where it was able to make its own way ashore. Once ashore the horse, which had a halter on, was lead to a safe location.’

The lifeboat, which was crewed by Chris Thomas, Leon Murphy and John Perring, was then stood down after ensuring all personnel involved were also safe.


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