Monday 12 October 2009

Keep an eye on your sight with free eye tests for kids

Schools in Pembrokeshire are working with optometrists to promote free eye tests for children.

Teachers can carry out the very basic screening and a new leaflet encourages parents to take their children for regular eye tests.

Teachers and pupils at Ysgol Ger y Llan in Letterston have been keeping an eye on their sight.

"All parents have had the leaflet to make them aware that their children can have their eyes tested for free," said teacher Dilys Rees.

"We have carried out two screenings at the school and have already picked up on a few children who needed further testing - all of whom went to see an optometrist and some have been given glasses.

"The parents are really grateful," she added.

"We want to encourage children in Pembrokeshire to take up the free eye tests that are available for them," said Councillor Huw George, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People.

"Good eye sight is crucial to the progress of children in school. From safety in the playground to seeing a white board, a child's learning potential will be enhanced if they can see well," he said.

Ysgol Ger y Llan pupils show their support with teacher Dilys Rees, front, and teaching assistant Sharon George.


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