Monday 12 October 2009

Majority of ministers now back Carwyn as second cabinet minister declares

Carwyn Jones's bid to succeed Rhodri Morgan as next Welsh Labour Leader, received a massive boost today, when two more Cabinet colleagues declared their backing for his campaign.

The support of Social Justice and Local Government Minister, Dr Brian Gibbons, now takes the tally of current Cabinet Ministers publicly endorsing Carwyn's candidacy, to two. And Labour Chief Whip Carl Sargeant, who attends Cabinet, is also backing Carwyn.

A clear majority of current Labour Ministers serving in the Welsh Assembly Government, have now indicated they want Mr. Jones to be the next Leader of the Party.

Dr. Gibbons
is joined by Ministerial colleagues Jane Davidson, Leighton Andrews and John Griffiths, in declaring their support for the Leader of the House and Bridgend AM.

Championing Carwyn's leadership credentials, Dr Brian Gibbons said:

"Carwyn has strong and deeply held Labour values. The Party is 'in his blood' and that's why - from Aberavon to Amlwch - he is the person who can reach out to the membership right across Wales. At a time when we need to build a unified party with a coherent message and to broaden our appeal across Wales, Carwyn stands out as the only candidate that can deliver.

"He demonstrated this over the course of the last year by tirelessly visiting every corner of our country, meeting and listening to the views of Party members.

"I believe Carwyn's experience in Government - across a range of portfolios and at times of crisis - gives him a real depth and breadth in terms of his knowledge and understanding of the direction Wales needs to be travelling in the future - both socially and economically.

"He knows what makes good Government. He can provide leadership under pressure but most crucially, he knows how to make Government work for the benefit of the people - all of the people. This is what sets Carwyn apart and this is why he would make a great Leader for our Party."

Declaring his backing for Carwyn's candidacy, Carl Sargeant said:

"I have worked closely with Carwyn since he became Leader of the House. I have watched him take weekly questions in his stride on the real hot topics of the day. By common consent, he is always completely on top of his brief and he confidently commands the Assembly Chamber in both English and Welsh.

"As Chief Whip, I know Carwyn is loyal and dependable. He always puts the Party first and members across the country have a right to expect that from their Leader. Carwyn's commitment to party unity is demonstrated by the strong links he has forged with his Westminster colleagues.

"I want to put on the record that Carwyn was the only candidate to ask me for my support. He took the time to explain what he stands for and the direction he want to take the Party and the country.

"I am convinced that Carwyn has the vision and the determination to lead Labour's fightback in Wales - in the North and the South. He will be a Leader for the whole of Wales and I know he is impatient to get on turn this into a political reality. That's why I am giving him my total support.

Commenting on news of the latest endorsements for Carwyn, his Campaign Manager, Rhondda AM Leighton Andrews said:

"As we enter the second full week of campaigning, it is clear that no one candidate has won a majority of nominations from Labour Assembly Members. However, Carwyn has shown he has a majority of Labour Assembly Government Ministers now wanting him to become the next Leader.

"We are also quietly confident that Carwyn will receive the backing of an overall majority of Welsh Labour MPs."


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