The scheme is a major new web-based car-share service for the people of North Wales aimed at reducing the number of car journeys and protecting the environment. It will complete the Regional Transport Consortia’s branded schemes that are part of Liftshare Network.
This free-to-use, fully bilingual service will appeal to anyone who has to make a journey on north Wales roads, whether for commuting, the school run or the weekly shopping trip and wants to reduce the number of journeys they make by car. As well as reducing travel costs, the scheme has been designed to encourage more efficient use of the car, thereby reducing congestion and pollution across North Wales.
Northwalescarshare.com also links into the three other Welsh car-share schemes in SWWITCH TraCC and Sewta and offers people the chance to car share on longer journeys across Wales.
To register with the scheme simply log on to the website, Northwalescarshare.com, and register your details. Once your journey details have been entered the system then matches you with people making similar journeys and you can then decide who you would like to share with.
Ron Davies, the Chair of Taith said:
"Car-sharing works whether you have a car or not, Sharers who own a car can take turns driving, while those without a car can simply contribute to the driver’s expenses.
Wales is the first country to provide all its citizens with access to a bilingual, public on-line car-share system and I am confident Northwalescarshare.com will help many thousands of people across Wales save money, reduce pollution and congestion, improve mobility and enjoy more sociable journeys."
In launching the scheme the Deputy First Minister said:
"The Welsh Assembly Government is delighted to have played a key role in this great advance for sustainable travel in Wales. I am keen that we promote a wide range of measures and solutions to encourage smarter choices and more sustainable travel choices. Car-sharing is one of the greenest forms of travel and contributes towards reducing single occupancy car travel and congestion particularly during peak periods. As well as being fun and potentially saving members many hundreds of pounds a year, we hope it will encourage even more people to give it a go."
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