Today’s Member Charter Awards, developed by the WLGA, recognise the effort and time invested by local authorities and WLGA affiliate members* to provide elected members with access to appropriate levels of knowledge, skills and development opportunities needed to fulfil their roles.
Cllr Russell Roberts (RCT), WLGA Improvement Spokesperson said:
"I was delighted when my own authority was awarded member charter status in 2007. A lot of work goes into achieving this award, It is recognition of an authority’s commitment to the personal development of its members but also reflects the dedication and encouragement of the member support team to develop the knowledge and skills needed by members to undertake their respective roles.
“The role of a councillor is hugely challenging and even more so during the current climate as local communities look to their elected members for support and a dedicated effort in mitigating the impact of the recession.
“On average councillors in Wales spend 25-27 hours per week on council business and this is on top of their day job and family commitments. The role of senior councillors, such as leaders and cabinet members is more than full time; they are in charge of organisations with budgets of hundreds of millions of pounds, thousands of staff and are responsible for delivering many of the major services that the public need and care most about. However, whether you are a council leader, a cabinet member, committee chair or front line ward councillor, the role of an elected member is ever changing and as individuals we need to keep reviewing what we do and how we do it. That is why the Member Charter continues to be so valuable to both authorities and affiliated authorities.”
Across Wales we now 8 local authorities, 2 Fire and Rescue authorities and 2 National Park authorities with Member Charter Status although there is a lot of good work being undertaken by every local authority and affiliate member in the field of member development and support.
To find out more about the Member Development Charter please visit: www.wlga.gov.uk or e-mail: sarah.titcombe@wlga.gov.uk
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