The telephone number you have to phone to vote for the project won't get released until 9am on the 26th November 2009. Please note that everybody can vote up to a maximum of 10 times, and each call will cost 10p.
Click on the below link and go to the the Welsh Region, you will then see the project there. Please register and leave messages to show your support of the project, it will only take a minute or 2...
The project, based in Merthyr Tydfil, will provide media training for young people to increase their skills and raise self-confidence. The portable media centre will enable us to hold and deliver classes to the community, schools, adult centres, etc. This equipment will enable us to deliver structured learning which will involve community members making their own works such as films, music, graphic design and animation.
The media facility will provide an opportunity to support new initiatives that will have a substantial impact on the lives of community members in our area. Access to the arts, media, music and digital industries for our members through our activities will be created with the aim to provide a voice for local people, promoting learning and raising achievement in arts & media making for our members.
This project will have a massive impact on the local communities throughout South Wales, not only will it give local residents training opportunities, we will be able to gain access and engage with those who have so far been hard to reach. Many of these areas are high on the deprivation list and this project will give them the chance to access facilities that otherwise would not have been open to them, which could result in future job opportunities. Through other projects we have been involved in we know that projects such as these raise confidence & self esteem in the young people that are involved. It also gives withdrawn young people the chance to make new friends and gets them involved in team activities; it also gives them goals – something to look forward to.
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