Thursday, 20 August 2009

Another Successful Year for Cardiff's A’ Level Students

‘A’ level students in Cardiff’s schools can once again be proud of their achievements. In a year when more students than in 2008 took ‘A’ level examinations, the performance of Cardiff’s schools was once again above the Wales average.

The overall pass rate (grades A-E) was 98.6%, a slight increase on last year and higher than the all Wales figure which remained the same this year at 97.6%. Nearly a third of the grades awarded were grade A and the percentage of grades A awarded in Cardiff was 5 percentage points higher than the overall percentage for Wales. Over four out of five grades awarded to Cardiff’s students were grades A, B or C.

In the ‘AS’ examinations, 89.5% of Cardiff’s students achieved a pass grade (grades A-E). Almost one in five (19.5%) of the grades awarded were grade A.

Cardiff Council Executive Member, Councillor Freda Salway said: “On behalf of the Council, I congratulate Cardiff’s students on another successful year. They can be justifiably proud of the high standards they have achieved. This success is a tribute to their hard work and commitment, the support of their families and to the dedication of their teachers”.

Chris Jones, Chief Schools And Lifelong Learning Officer said: “I am delighted to congratulate Cardiff’s sixth form students on their success which I know is the result of much effort over the course of their studies. I am sure their families and teachers will be as pleased as I am with their achievements. I wish them all the very best for their future careers.”


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