The Westminster committee has just reported on broadband and while admitting digital exclusion is no worse in Wales than England or Scotland, it's worried that may not stay the case.
The report says: "Some of those challenges are particularly acute in Wales, and there is a need for the findings of Digital Britain to be focused into a plan for 'Digital Wales in a Digital Britain'. We call on the Secretary of State for Wales to ensure that the next stage of Digital Britain fully reflects the needs of Wales, that Welsh MPs are fully informed about the stages of implementation and that there is a joined up approach, which involves the Welsh Assembly and the private and third sectors."
Low population density and our famous landscape are challenges to even meet the minimum rate - everyone should be able to watch the i-player is the measure. The first priority is to remove so called notspots. In particular, it welcomed the proposal to create an independent Next Generation Fund to subsidise work in less commercially viable areas.
"Digital inclusion is not an issue which can be delivered by any single government department or agency; progress can only be made if there is effective participation from many different organisations and if these contributions are effectively coordinated. Good coordination between the UK Government and the Welsh Assembly Government is also essential, given that many, but not all, of the most relevant policy areas are devolved," the report concluded.
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