The dummies look very similar to normal dummies but are fitted with flashing lights and sold as costume jewellery. They do not conform to the relevant safety standards for dummies, pacifiers or soothers.
A number of these dummies have been seized recently by Trading Standards and Licensing Officers whilst being sold on the streets of Cardiff.
The dummies come apart easily and contain a small electronic circuit board inside which is sharp enough to cut children and small enough to the swallowed.
The dummies also contain three small batteries that could also be easily swallowed and they have long cords attached for putting around adults` necks which could strangle a child.
Trading standards officers fear that the dummies could be given to children instead of the real thing as they are more appealing, due to the flashing lights. Should the dummy come apart children could very quickly put the electronics and/or the batteries into their mouths which could form a choking hazard.
Councillor Judith Woodman, Executive Member for Communities said: "These imitation dummies would be very dangerous in the hands of babies and young children. They come apart very easily and could be life threatening. Our advice to parents is not to buy these imitation dummies or to throw them away before a child is seriously injured or killed.."
Trading standards officers are keen to hear from anyone who has seen the dummies being sold and to contact them on 029 2087 2059.
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