Thursday, 19 November 2009

Council pleased that wind farm refusal stands

Denbighshire County Council has welcomed news that an appeal against a decision by the council to refuse planning permission for a windfarm near Nantglyn has been rejected.

Tegni Cyf had appealed against the decision not to grant the application for 13 wind turbines at Gorsedd Bran near Nantglyn.

This week, the planning inspector ruled that the appeal should be dismissed.

Leader of Denbighshire, Councillor Hugh Evans, said: "This is a victory for democracy. Both the planning committee and full council refused this application and at the appeal the council’s case was supported by well informed, factual evidence from residents. I must take the opportunity to pay tribute to the tremendous amount of work done by officers in the planning and legal sections, as well as councillors Paul Marfleet and Jane Yorke in preparation for and during the hearing.

"The council felt it was in the best interest of the local community not to approve the planning application and the inspector's ruling in this case clearly shows we were right in taking that decision."

In a statement, councillors Paul Marfleet and Jane Yorke said: "Many local residents are hugely relieved by this decision and appreciate the effort and support that has been put in to bringing this about, from the initial planning hearing through all stages to the public inquiry itself. This truly is a victory for democracy, common sense and humanity. The faith and determination of a small group of very decent people has brought this victory about."


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