Commenting on the announcement, Trevor Harris, Course Leader in Media Production, noted, "This is the first year that work has been entered by the Department into a film festival outside of Wales, which makes this recognition even more impressive. Work had been entered into two categories, documentary film and animation, with two entries for each award. It is fantastic that all four of the entries have been selected for screening."
The documentary work that is being screened includes OCD: a hidden illness by recent graduate Ashley Williams, currently working as the Media Producer at Northampton Football Club, and Carers: a secret service, a film by current MA students. Each film has already had significant recognition, with Ashley having been a finalist at Ffresh 2009, whilst the Carer film has the distinction of being the subject of an Early Day Motion in Parliament!
The animation category includes two pieces from Lampeter, both involving Cathrin Howells, who is currently studying an MA Media Production course. Her experimental work with animation and light writing has been used to great effect in a full length music video for the artist Mikal and his You're the one track. The second piece is Cathrin's delightful experiment in characterisation using light, creating a magical encounter with Tinkerbell.
MA Media Production student Richard Jackson collaborated on the Carers: a secret service film and also with Cathrin Howells on the MIKAL video. Both Richard and Cathrin were also involved in the team that produced the carers film. Along with Helena Park and Chris Carbin, Richard is attending the festival and running a publicity stand at the event on behalf of the university. We wish all of our student the best of luck at the festival!
For more info about Media Production contact:
Trevor Harris, Department of Film and Media, University of Wales, Lampeter, College Street, Lampeter, Ceredigion, SA48 7ED. Tel: 01570 424781
Photograph: A still from Ashley Williams' OCD: a hidden illness documentary
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