Sunday, 15 November 2009

End of an era for the Mobile Library

For several decades, library books were checked out using the manual ticket system. Did you know that until this week that was still the process on Wrexham’s Mobile Library?

However, this service has now been made one of the most modern services in Wales. Satellite technology has been installed on Wrexham Council’s Mobile Library, meaning it can connect to the Internet and to the Council’s computer network enabling people to check all the books on the library catalogue and make reservations for items from other libraries. This end of an era will bring a multitude of instant on-line benefits enabling the library staff to deal with enquiries for information instantaneously.

The Mobile Library provides a service to areas of the County Borough where there is no static library building. It therefore serves rural areas, small villages and outlying urban areas. The mobile library is very heavily-used and is one of the busiest libraries in the County Borough, with over 60,000 books and audio items borrowed each year.

Councillor Bob Dutton, Deputy Leader of Wrexham Council and the Lead Member for Library Services commented:

"This technology will make the mobile library that visits areas of the County Borough one of the most modern in Wales. The mobile library reflects the Council’s wish to ensure that all residents are able to access a comprehensive library service, regardless of where they live. It is also part of the ongoing modernisation of the library service in Wrexham, which has developed an enviable reputation for innovation and improving local community provision. The Authority is committed to providing the best possible services to residents in all parts of the County Borough and the Mobile Satellite service means that residents will also be assisted to understand and use the Internet services provided in the van."

Cllr Barbara Roberts, Local Member for the Ceiriog Valley, where the mobile library makes some of its stops, said:

"The mobile library is used by many of the residents in the Ceiriog Valley and is a lifeline to many of the older residents, as well as being a welcome service for families and young people. The modernisation of this service is great news for the local community, giving them the chance to reserve books in an instant and see what is available at other libraries in Wrexham. It means a far quicker and more complete service for the mobile library users."

The AvL antenna system was provided by SISlink, Europe’s largest mobile satellite service, which has provided satellite connectivity for many other applications in the UK including emergency and health services. The installation was completed by Bailey’s Bodybuilders of Stoke-on-Trent. The antenna is very robust having been used by the US Army in Iraq and also tested in wet hurricane and extreme cold conditions. Connection to the Library Management System and the library catalogue is provided by Axiell through its Galaxy software.


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