Monday, 16 November 2009

Latest Pembrokeshire jobless figures

As the 2009 visitor season ends, the usual small increase in unemployment is seen in the October jobless figures.

There were 2,290 Pembrokeshire people claiming Job Seekers Allowance last month which represents an unemployment rate of 3.4 per cent. This is an increase of 71 people over the previous month

The rate of 3.4 per cent is still significantly lower than the Welsh (4.3 per cent) and GB (4.1 per cent) averages.

Said Pembrokeshire County Councillor John Allen-Mirehouse, Cabinet member for Regeneration and Economic Development:

"Unemployment has increased slightly across the whole of the county but the greatest increase of 40 people was seen in the south where unemployment is now at 4 per cent.

"It is encouraging to see that the current rate of unemployment throughout the county is below the Welsh average as in the past Pembrokeshire used to have the highest unemployment in Wales.

"It is also good to see that youth unemployment now accounts for a slightly smaller percentage of the total than in previous years although it still accounts for just under a third of all people that are looking for work.

"Equally encouraging is the relatively small number of people who are long-term unemployed. In Pembrokeshire those out of work for over a year accounts for only 6.7 per cent of the total unemployment while in Wales as a whole this group account for 11.3 per cent of all unemployed."


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