Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Local plan logo to be designed by kids

Kids in Swansea are being given the chance to put their mark on an important plan which will help shape Swansea's future.

Young people under the age of 18 in Swansea have been invited to design a special logo for the city's Local Development Plan (LDP) which is set to be produced by Swansea Council.

The LDP will set out the Council's policies and proposals for the future development and use of land.

In certain locations it will allow opportunities for building new houses and the provision of new facilities such as shops, offices and leisure attractions. However, other areas such as parks, woodlands and beaches will be protected and enhanced so that these special locations can be enjoyed by more people in the future.

The competition organisers are looking for a logo that is distinctive and will be easily associated with the LDP and the future development of Swansea.

The winning logo will be used on all documents and branding throughout the preparation of the LDP and the winner will receive an iPod Shuffle.

Three runners -up for each of the age-group categories- Primary, Secondary and Further Education- will each win £50 of book tokens for their school or college.

Gareth Sullivan, Swansea Council's Cabinet Member for Planning, said: "We want children to get involved in the LDP. This city is their future and hopefully the logo competition will give them an introduction to how Swansea's development is planned.

"The competition is a great way of us communicating with schoolchildren and hopefully we will get some idea of what they think is important."

The first stage of the production of the LDP was completed earlier this year with the production of the Delivery Agreement. The next stage will include the submission of suggested sites to be included in the plan.

Cllr Sullivan added: "The importance of having a say on the LDP cannot be underestimated and I hope the new opportunities for influence we are offering communities will be taken up.

"Communities need to be involved at the earliest opportunity to identify common ground and shared goals as well as deal with contentious issues and conflicts.

"I hope that people will take the opportunity to find out more about how they can get involved in the LDP."

Full competition details along with further information about the LDP process are available on the LDP website at www.swansea.gov.uk/ldp or by contacting the Planning Policy Team on 01792 635744.


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