Port Talbot bus firm Ridgways were approached by Neath Port Talbot Council to see if they were willing to provide a replacement bus service at the same times as First are currently operating.
Head of Engineering & Transport, John Flower, said he was very pleased that a solution had been found to the problem, particularly in the current economic climate, following the system-wide review of First's services across south west Wales.
Darren Ridgway from the company said he looked forward to welcoming the many concessionary bus pass holders who live along the route, but warned it was very much a case of "use it or lose it" as no subsidy would be received by the company.
The new timetable for Ridgways Sunday services 1 and 8 will be available in due course from traveline cymru by logging on to www.travelinecymru.info or by telephoning 0871 200 22 33
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