Thursday, 12 November 2009

Campaign launched to ged rid of Wolfcastle's dangerous eyesore

Preseli Pembrokeshire AM Paul Davies is supporting a campaign by a north Pembrokeshire village to get a dangerous eyesore removed.

Wolfscastle has won the Wales in Bloom competition five times and has been nominated for Britain In Bloom, but residents feel an ugly rusting sewage pipe across the river spoils the village.

They also fear it’s dangerous as youngsters try to cross the river by walking along the top.

“The Community Council, the local WI and the primary school in the village have joined forces to ask Welsh Water to consider re-siting this pipe and I am happy to support them,” said Mr Davies.

“The Community Council arranged a meeting between myself, the council and the company but unfortunately Welsh Water failed to turn up to hear the resident’s concerns.

Wolfscastle is a very pretty village and this ugly pipe detracts from the beautiful stone bridge.”

Greta Homewood, President of Wolfscastle WI, said:

“The pipe is a temptation and a potential hazard for those wanting an alternative route across the river. It’s also rather unsightly.”

Rev Geoffrey Eynon, clerk to the Community Council, added: “This pipe is an issue the village is concerned about. Older children climb the barriers to walk along the pipe and we are worried that it’s dangerous.”

The pupils at the village school, Ysgol Casblaidd, have also written to the Welsh Water asking them to take action.

“The pupils of Ysgol Casblaidd are very proud of their village and love to walk in the community,” they wrote. “The only part that they do not like is the green pipe that crosses the River Cleddau. Please help us to make all of our village a beautiful place by removing the pipe.”

Mr Davies has now written to the Welsh Water asking them to resite the pipe.

Photpgraph: Pupils from Ysgol Casblaidd are pictured with (l to r) Community Councillor Tom Griffiths, Gill Morgan from the school, Heather Griffiths from the WI and Preseli Pembrokeshire AM Paul Davies. The community is lobbying to get the ugly and dangerous pipe across the river removed.


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