The packs - funded by Safer Blaenau Gwent, the community safety partnership for Blaenau Gwent - contain Home Office advice as well as local information leaflets, including:
- A window / door sticker to deter unwanted callers
- A guide to home security
- Security advice for private sector tenants
- How to beat the bogus caller leaflet
- Home Security self assessment form
- Gwent Police Policing Pledge
- A guide to dealing with unwanted callers at the door
- Information on Neighbourhood Watch
Coun Keith Barnes, Blaenau Gwent Council’s Executive Member for the Environment said:
“Door step criminals will often pose as traders to prey on the most vulnerable people in our communities and con money from them. These new packs - brought about by partnership working between the local authority and the police - give people good advice about securing their home from these criminals. Not only this, the stickers give a clear message that uninvited callers are not welcome, hopefully acting as a deterrent to any would be conmen.”
Blaenau Gwent Partnership Inspector Phil Morris said:
“I would recommend to any residents, but especially those who feel more vulnerable, that if you haven’t requested anyone to call at your home, don’t feel obliged to answer your door. The free sticker will help to emphasise that cold callers are not welcome. There is a wealth of other practical information and tips in the pack, which will hopefully help to reinforce the need for everyone to take adequate steps to protect their property.”
The scheme is being funded by the Safer Blaenau Gwent Community Safety Partnership.
For more information on the Doorstep Crime Packs you can contact Blaenau Gwent Council’s Trading Standards on 01495 356 138 or Gwent Police on 01495 232 701.
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