The centre helps individuals from across the Vale wishing to improve or refresh their reading, writing, language, numeracy or IT skills and, last year, received 580 enrolments, 50 per cent of whom achieved nationally recognised qualifications.
The English, maths, IT and English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) courses are held at the centre headquarters at Provincial House, Kendrick Road, Barry, the Palmerston (Barry) centre and in Penarth. The Family Learning courses are run in partnership with local primary schools who host the classes.
For some students, the courses serve as a stepping stone to further learning and, for others, to greater employment opportunities. ESOL courses have enabled individuals to pass examinations to gain British Citizenship.
Presenting certificates, Cllr Williams congratulated the students on their success. He said: "It is a credit to your commitment that you have found the time to study whilst working and/or bringing up a family. You should feel justifiably proud of your achievements."
Centre manager Coralie Morgan and head of lifelong learning Dave Prosser thanked Cllr Williams for hosting the event and "taking time out of your busy schedule to help recognise the marvellous efforts of our learners." Coralie added: "We are extremely proud of both of our students for their success and our tutors who prepared them so well."
Further information about the wide range of courses can be obtained from the centre on 01446 736466.
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