Thursday, 12 November 2009

We're the boys in green say South Wales Police

South Wales Police is celebrating after being named a public sector Green Star for the significant steps taken to improve its environmental performance.

The force is the latest Welsh public sector organisation to be selected as a ‘Green Star’ in the Welsh Assembly Government’s Public Sector Waste Minimisation Campaign. The campaign has been set up to encourage organisations in the sector to cut their output of waste which in turn reduces the size of their carbon footprint.

South Wales Police has demonstrated its commitment to sustainability by setting up an environmental and energy conservation unit at their headquarters in Bridgend.

The unit, established in July 2008, is part of
South Wales Police’s drive to improve environmental performance across the force. The primary objectives have been to reduce environmental pollution and promote a sustainable culture.

Christine Mordecai, Head of Central Services at
South Wales Police, said:

"Previously we had very little recycling or waste reduction in place due to the fact that there was not a formal structure to assist our efforts throughout the organisation. Thanks to the new waste minimisation initiatives implemented by the Environmental Unit we have been able to effectively reduce landfill waste and promote a more sustainable and environmentally aware
South Wales Police."

Examples of steps taken by the force to reduce its waste include; arranging for the free collection of metal, wooden pallets, furniture, plastic and polystyrene for recycling, collection of used printer cartridges, diverting leather from landfill by sending it to Oxfam and arranging for the separate recycling of cardboard and paper.

Christine added: "By setting annual environmental objectives and targets we have been able to drastically reduce the amount of waste going to landfill. Since April 1st 2009 we have recycled around 280 tonnes of material that would otherwise have gone straight to landfill. We are also about to start a new ‘dry mixed recycling’ scheme that will further reduce the amounts of waste sent to landfill."

The Welsh Assembly Public Sector Waste Minimisation Campaign is being delivered by Envirowise.

Ann Stevenson, Envirowise public sector programme director in Wales, said:

"Our Green Stars initiative enables us to highlight the good work being done within the public sector to reduce waste, cut carbon and save money and resources. South Wales Police is a fantastic example of an organisation that has changed the way it works to avoid creating waste and to reduce its environmental impact."

She added: "We are constantly on the look out for new ‘Green Stars’ to be the face of our campaign. If you, or someone you know, are making a positive difference in your organisation then get in touch. We want to know about what’s going on and get more public sector organisations following the examples that are being set."


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