Thomas Tudor, County Councillor for the "Castle Ward" of Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire is worried about the state of the walk way from Castle Square to Haverfordwest Castle, Museum and Records Office.
This is a copy of the letter he has sent to Darren Thomas, the Head of Service, Highways and Construction of Pembrokeshire County Council:
"I have recently received concerns from many of my constituents concerning the poor state of the walk way which leads form Castle Square adjacent to the old Woolworths building up to Haverfordwest Castle, Museum and Records Office.
As the local county councillor for the “Castle Ward” I have raised my own concerns regarding this walk way in the past, however from my recent site visit the situation does appear to have rapidly deteriorated, and resembles the entrance to what one could only describe as a ghetto with grimy grey buildings and an alley way reeking of urine.
This whole area has no redeeming features, is miserable and uninviting and when one is then confronted with the gates of the old Woolworths store yard to see the sight of all the rubbish strewn all over the place, I am sure this is the point where most tourists and visitors turn back, if in fact they even get that far.
The council has shown its ability to promote and regenerate other parts of the town, such as “Castle Square”, but it also needs to show the will and determination in developing and reinvigorating this walk way and make it more attractive for tourist and locals alike.
There is clear and mounting public intolerance to this situation and a demand for the best is at the top of the agenda. Haverfordwest Castle is the jewel in the crown for the county town of Pembrokeshire, let us respect that and make this walk more attractive, inviting and appealing.
I would appreciate if you could take on board my concerns and provide me with some answers as to what you feel your officers could do to rectify this situation at the earliest opportunity.
In the past there were discussions with the owners of the old Woolworths store building concerning a walkway link via the Woolworths store yard to Castle Lake Car park, as such I would appreciate an update on what progress has been made with regard to that suggestion.
There has, and is, considerable effort by Pembrokeshire County Council in its efforts of improving the quality of the built environment, let this walk way be part of that improvement programme, I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.
I have attached photographs for you perusal which starts with images from Castle Square and continues all the way up into the Castle grounds, you will notice the stark contrast of how inviting the latter images are to that of the initial images.
Please also note the directional sign for the Castle Museum located on the old Woolworths building wall, it is not at all obvious as I am still having complaints at the lack of signage for the Castle from “Castle Square”.
I am more than happy to meet you for a site visit if you so wish."
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