Friday, 11 September 2009

FTA conference highlights innovative potential for reducing freight emissions

Shadow Minister for the Environment, Mick Bates AM, has welcomed the work of the Freight Transport Association (FTA) to reduce carbon emissions from the transport sector, following his address to the FTA ‘Cymru Cutting Carbon, Cutting Costs’ Conference this week.

In his address to the FTA conference Mick acknowledged the leadership of the FTA and the importance of reconciling the economic need of business to make profit with the environmental necessity to reduce carbon emissions in the battle to tackle climate change.

Commenting Mick stated:

“In Wales the Government has a legal duty to promote sustainable development. Transport is a challenging sector as in 2007 nearly 25% of carbon emissions were from road transport. However there is great potential, particularly in encouraging more sea and rail transport, more fuel efficient driving and looking at the use of alternative technologies and fuels.

“Road transport will always be important especially as internet sales increase, so we must look at ways to make vehicles more efficient and reward those with lower emissions. Modern technologies will have a key role to play, but there are mechanisms already in place which could be adapted to help encourage greener driving, for example by lowering the toll on the Severn Bridge for less polluting vehicles.

“There is much work to be done, but with the increasing pressure to move forward towards a low carbon economy to meet our carbon targets, it is crucial that we embrace new innovative ways to reduce emissions and work together with the common aim of protecting our environment for future generations.”


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