Thursday, 24 September 2009

Mick Bates AM adds support to chipping campaign

Shadow Minister for Rural Affair, Mick Bates AM, joined the Dogs Trust outside the Senedd this week to give his support to the campaign for compulsory microchipping of dogs in Wales.

Over 12,000 stray dogs were collected in Wales in the last year, an increase of 26% from the previous year. Dogs Trust, the UK’s largest dog welfare charity believes the most effective and humane way of reducing stray dog numbers in the long-term is through microchipping, alongside education and neutering.

Commenting Montgomeryshire AM Mick stated:

“I welcome this campaign which can play a huge part in promoting responsible dog ownership and ensure that the millions of pets that go missing each year have more chance of being reunited with their family.

“Currently owners are required to ensure their dogs wear a collar and tag, but these could be lost or removed. Permanent identification would provide a better solution to reduce the number of stray dogs and enable them to be returned to their owner.

“Microchipping would also reduce costs for local authorities and play a part in tackling the increasing problem of puppy breeding, allowing ill-treated animals to be traced back to their source.”


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