Tuesday 11 August 2009

Denbighshire nominated for APSE awards 2009

Councils throughout the UK were today celebrating being named ‘best in class’ after reaching the finals of the Association for Public Service Excellence (APSE) awards 2009.

Denbighshire County Council has been nominated in two categories, namely “Best Partnership Working (Public/Voluntary)” and “Best Service Team: Highways, Winter Maintenance and Street Lighting”.

The prestigious awards attracted 400 entries from authorities throughout the UK. Finalists impressed a panel of judges, made up of industry experts and professionals, who ranked entrants on how their teams have performed on public service improvements and delivered tangible benefits to local communities.

Congratulating the short listed local authorities APSE Chief Executive Paul O’Brien said, “A place in the finals is well deserved for those councils that have committed to excellence in public service delivery. The last twelve months has proved difficult for councils facing a recessionary environment but the progressive approach to public service delivery, found within the finalists, will help ensure councils continue to improve the front line services that really matter to the public.

The winners of the APSE Service Awards will be announced at Cardiff International Arena on the 10 September 2009.

APSE is a not for profit local government organisation working with over 300 local authorities, police, fire and civil defence authorities throughout the UK.


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