Saturday 8 August 2009

Drama double for Dyfed

WRITER Dyfed Edwards has retained the drama medal at the Meirion and District National Eisteddfod.

Anglesey-born Dyfed worked as a journalist in Liverpool, Newcastle and London and is now a freelance writer, living in Kent.

Dyfed said: "Hearing that I’d won the Medal again this year was an amazing feeling! The experience last year was wonderful, and I’ve very much been looking forward to a similar experience in Bala this year. It’s been a week to remember – winning the Medal and being honoured by the Gorsedd in the same week."

The medal, awarded in honour of Urien Wiliam by his wife, Eiryth and children, Hywel, Steffan and Sioned, was given to Dyfed's play Tân mewn drain by Gwion Lynch and Dyfan Roberts.


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