Monday 10 August 2009

Free album download from Tantrum Records

THE music of Little Eris is kind of hard to categorise (although she's chosen Lo-fi Electro Grunge), so rather than attempt to graft on a line of adjectives, why not just go and listen to her yourself.

She's signed to Cardiff-based
Tantrum Records, who are all over the internet like a rash. So it's no surprise that Little Eris's DIY album is available to download for free via her Facebook fan page.

This is my current favourite, Karma To You, which reminded me a little of Leslie Rankine's
Ruby project.


  1. Thanks for commenting Mr Flapsandwich, and thanks for being right too!

  2. Dear Welsh Icons - News,

    Yes it is a brilliant album, but you Mr Welsh Icons - News (Assistant Editor) should be aware that Mr Flapsandwich is the bloke (if I can call him that) behind Tantrum Records.

    You're both right though, great album and a great track


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