The 2009 Rhys Davies Short Story Competition could be your big chance to make your mark on the Welsh literary scene and get your hands on the First Prize of £1000 for your short fiction. A further ten equal runner-up prizes of £100 will also be awarded. Plus, the 2009 competition sees Academi continuing to work with BBC Radio Wales with the aim of broadcasting a selection of the winning stories on Radio Wales and Radio 4.
However, time is running out and there are now only a few weeks left until the closing date on Tuesday 1 September 2009. So, if you are a short story writer and think you have what it takes to win £1000 then send us your stories now.
The hard task of judging the competition is down to eminent writers Niall Griffiths, Stevie Davies and filter judge Jon Gower.
The competition, which is judged anonymously, is open to all writers born in or currently living in Wales. Your story can be in any style and on any subject. However, it must be no more than 2,500 words in length, previously unpublished, in English and not a translation of another author’s work. Entry fee is £6.00 per story.
You only have until Tuesday 1 September 2009 to enter your prize-winning story.
Don’t lose any time in entering your short story - visit the Academi website www.academi.org/rhysdavies/ to download the entry form in seconds.
Or to receive a hard copy of the entry form send a stamped self-addressed envelope to:
Rhys Davies 2009 Entry Form
Mount Stuart House
Mount Stuart Square
Cardiff CF10 5FQ
Click Here for more information on Rhys Davies
I'm gonna have a go myself - you can get an idea of what won last time out in the anthology Eagle In The Maze, which I've just got out of Splott Library.