Saturday, 22 August 2009

Toy treat for road safety conscious Ben

A Gowerton boy has beaten off the challenge of over 100 other children to win a competition organised by Swansea Council's Road Safety team.

Ben Cooze, age 11, has scooped £150 in Toys R Us vouchers after completing a road safety activity booklet at the Gower Show.

Judges were so impressed by the vibrancy of his colouring-in and his Be Seen, Be Safe slogan idea that they selected him to be the overall winner.

Ben, of Cefn Stylle Road, will be going up to Bishopston Comprehensive School from St David's School in September with a green cross code course and cycling proficiency tests under his belt.

Mum Denise said: "The roads are busier than ever thesedays so it's very important that children are road safety conscious.

"It's great to see the Council's road safety workers at community events and taking courses in schools because the key messages they reinforce help to save lives."

Swansea Council receives an annual road safety grant from the Welsh Assembly Government.

About half is spent on engineering works with the other half spent on road safety educational initiatives.

Road safety officers and road safety mascot Rocky the Rooster regularly visit schools and community events to encourage children to use our roads safely.

Cllr John Hague, Swansea Council's Cabinet Member for Environment, said: "A great deal of thought goes into the preparation of materials carrying vital road safety messages such as activity booklets, posters and leaflets.

"Our road safety experts work tirelessly to attend as many schools and community events as they can to reach as many young people as possible.

"Young Ben's commitment to road safety is an example to others and I congratulate him on his fine win."

Have a look at the transport and streets section of for more information and tips on road safety in Swansea.


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