Visit Wales is working to ensure that as many accommodation providers as possible around the Celtic Manor Resort are able to take full advantage of the exposure to and are appealing for businesses to supply fully updated accommodation and availability details to local Tourist Information Centres.
They have created a specific listing for those businesses that can provide accommodation within a relevant travelling distance to the Celtic Manor Resort. This listing will be made available to potential visitors through the Visit Wales website – www.visitwales.com as well as through the Visit Wales golf gateway – www.golfasitshouldbe.com
Other businesses interested in working with Visit Wales for The Ryder Cup can complete this short online accommodation listing form. Once submitted, Visit Wales will contact you with further details and a request for confirmation of your intention to participate in this accommodation scheme.
For further information please contact: Michael Price on 029 2047 5331 or e-mail: michael.price@wales.gsi.gov.uk, or Clare Dwight on 029 2047 5364 or e-mail: clare.dwight@wales.gsi.gov.uk
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