When asked a series of six true or false questions as part of a Climate Change IQ test – on subjects ranging from causes to the effects of climate change – the majority of people answered five out of the six questions correctly.
Welsh Liberal Democrat Mick Bates AM said: "The Energy Saving Trust’s research shows the Welsh public has the knowledge, however as a nation we need to start putting theory in to practice.”
According to the research, Welsh mums are the country’s biggest eco-pesterers as more than three-quarters of mums (76%) admit to pestering the rest of their family to do eco-chores or green tasks.
Of the Welsh children surveyed, more than a third (35%) believe they are the most wasteful people in their families, and almost six in 10 (59%) of parents agree – claiming their children are the most wasteful of any family member.
More than half (52%) of children admitted that they are responsible for having too many lights on when it isn’t necessary, a quarter (26%) admitted that they are guilty of leaving the computer switched on when it isn’t in use, and when it comes to spending time in the bathroom, the kids are clean but not green. A third (33%) claimed they are guilty of spending a long time under the shower.
Mick Bates added: "When it comes to combating climate change, everyone in the family can do their bit. It’s time for everyone across Wales and the rest of the UK to think green, act green and be green."
Helen Northmore, head of Energy Saving Trust Wales concludes: “Around 40 per cent of carbon pollution is a result of personal choices, there is huge potential for everyone to start bucking the trend and saving some money too.”
For advice on saving energy and money, or for information on grants available in your area, call the Energy Saving Trust advice centre free on 0800 512 012 or visit www.energysavingtrust.org.uk
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