Saturday, 3 October 2009

Older People’s Day

Carmarthenshire's 50+ Champion has welcomed the enthusiastic public response to Older People’s Day on Thursday (October 1).

Carmarthenshire County Council’s 50+ Forum teamed up with the authority’s leisure services to provide a host of exclusive offers for people aged 50 and over.

They included a free film screening, £5 discount on parking at Pembrey Country Park, 40 per cent discount through the Young at Heart Saver Scheme in the county’s leisure centres, and free swimming sessions. There is also an ongoing offer of free golf for a month at Garnant Golf Course.

The authority helped to celebrate Older People’s Day by focusing on the fact that we are all living longer, healthier and more fulfilling lives.

Carmarthenshire County Council has a thousand-strong forum of people aged 50 and over, who help shape services in the county by contributing their views via a survey they answer three times a year.

Deputy council leader, Cllr Kevin Madge, is 50+ Champion, and has set an ambitious target of doubling the membership over the next year.

Cllr Madge said: “I am delighted by the public response which includes a significant number of enquiries about the Young at Heart Scheme.

“Membership of the 50+ Forum is steadily increasing as it gives older people an opportunity to make their voice heard. We're now seeing Carmarthenshire County Council and partners knocking at the Forum's door to have their questions included in our regular surveys.

“There is such an un-tapped source of experience and knowledge out there and part of my role is to celebrate and encourage recognition of the contribution those aged 50+ make.”

Forum members also receive copies of a 50+ magazine, which contains a range of articles tailored to older people living in Carmarthenshire.

For further information, contact Ruth Lake via the council’s main switchboard on 01267 234567 or email

Photograph: 50+ Champion Cllr Kevin Madge is pictured at Amman Valley Leisure Centre swimming pool discussing the free swimming for the over 50s on Older People’s Day with duty manager Dayton Hughes (left) and lifeguard/swimming teacher Alyn Bennett. By Jeff Connell


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