Sunday, 4 October 2009

Operation Rock Beats Burglars in Swansea

The successful burglary initiative Operation Rock, set up by Police in Swansea to tackle dwelling burglaries, and which was run during the months of July August and September, has seen a significant drop in recorded burglaries across the city for the same period in 2008.

During the same three month period in 2008 there were 394 reported burglaries where as in 2009 the figure was 237 a drop of 157 reported offences, which averages over 50 less burglaries per month

September this year followed the trend of July and August in that there were 83 reported burglaries compared to 132 in September last year.

Over the three month period 101 people have been arrested for offences of burglary.

Detective Ron Devine who headed the Operation said “ This has been an extremely successful three month operation which has seen a dramatic fall in reported burglary figures compared to those in 2008.”

“A lot of good work has been undertaken not only by the police but members of the public who have been supplying information in order that we can arrest and convict the offenders”

Although the 3 month operation has ended Officers are continuing to reiterate their previous appeals to householders, that when they go out even for a short period, or go away on holiday and when they go to bed at night to ensure that all windows and doors are locked and secured. In addition ensure that all valuable and sentimental items are hidden away.

Mr Devine added “I would like to thank all those members of the public who provided us with information during the course of the operation. Even though it has come to an end, we would still like to hear from anyone with information on burglaries and I can assure them it will be acted upon “

Anyone with information should contact the Police in Swansea on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111


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